Tuesday, February 21, 2006

All About Sri Sai Amrit Vani

Jai Sai Ram

Sri Sai Amrit Vani an interesting, spiritual, simple and meaningful literature in lyrics form and we have adopted in our life. It has been composed by Sh. V K Bassi, who is managing the activities of Sri Ram Bhakt Society at Shivalik, Delhi, The material has mostly been taken from Sai Geeta, Sri Saicharitra and Sri Ram Amrit Vani. In the book form, it was first printed around 1997. It has been sung by Sh. Jagdish Kalra and recorded on a 60 minutes cassette and hence it is a complete one hour program in Hindi. The cassette is 30 minutes on each side. It has been converted to MP3 files from the Audio cassette into two files. These files are of 30 MB each and have been put on the internet. The script of it in Hindi and English is available on the internet. The program has few parts. (i) Sai Amrit Vani (ii) Bhajans (iii) Pads (iv) Prayers (v) Vandna and the (vi) Aartee. There is no specific time to do Sri Sai Amrit Vani,. It can be done at any time of the day at any place, but when it is done in the mandir before Baba then one should clean oneself and put some Bhog before Baba. We all recite together along with the cassette. These two MP3 files can be down loaded and have been down loaded and put on the CD's by few devotees and are being played on the CD players. Few devotees are distributing these CDs, Cassettes and the books of Sri Sai Amrit Vani free of cost to needy devotees, who does not want to purchase them.

Every Thursday recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani is held at Sidhartha Extension, New Delhi, but we have slightly changed the order.

Instead of the general Aartee in between we do the full Noon Aartee after it, as being done in Shirdi.

It is followed by group prayer and a chapter from Sai Satcharitra is read by Mrs Gupta. It starts exactly at

11:05 AM and goes upto 12. Noon Aarti is performed exactly at 12:00 and reading from Sai Satcharitra after the noon Aarti. It goes upto 12:25 or so. During this Sri Sai Amrit Vani, reading from Sai Satcharitra, Prayer and Aartee Mrs Gupta's lap is filled by Udi.

Even other devotees feel the presence of Baba in different forms and have many different experiences.

Every Thursday and some important days and festivals Udi starts coming and dropping from the Statues and the photos of Baba. Some times even Honey drops from the photo of Baba on the wall.

Script of Sri Sai Amrit Vani in Hindi and English is available at the file section of yahoogroup "mysaibaba20" ie http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mysaibaba20 .Script in Hindi is also available at http://www.Saibaba.org/amrithvani.html. Meaning of the wordings of Sai Amrit Vani in English is also there in the file section.

Audio of Sri Sai Amrit Vani is now available on a new web site also besides the old links of



Just click to the link

http://www.saikrupa.org/ . On the right side you will find Music clips at the bottom . Below it you will

find Sai Amrit Vani 1 and 2 Click on one of them.

Shri Sai Amrit will be down loaded on your computer in some temporary area and Real Player, Microsoft Media player and even winamp will run it. By clicking the right button you can save it on the hard disk by clicking on 'Save the target as' and you can play it .

Repeat the process for the other part. As these files are 30 MB each, it will take time to download them.

You can directly go to this site by link http://www.saikrupa.org/sai_amrit_vani.htm .These links are also provided in the link section of the yahoogroup "mysaibaba20".

Now a VCD has also been prepared of it, by a commercial dealer and can be had from SAI KRIPA STORES SHOP NO-6 L.G. FLOOR N.B.C.C. PLACE, LODHI ROAD, NEW DELHI - 110003. OR alternatively can be had from any vender near the Sai Memorial Temple at Lodhi Road. In particular Sanjay Gupta is having these books, cassettes and the VCD's. His residence cum shop's address is 6, Lodhi Road Complex, Near Sai Baba Mandir, New Delhi -110003, with phone nos are 24368346, 98100550738, 20061546 and having an email address as saikripa@mail.usa.com .

You can also have the books and the cassettes of Sri Sai Amrit Vani from us, personally.

Jai Sai. Ram

Ashok Kumar Gupta



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